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Everyone is different and so is their preferred home. Nightlife delivers independent living supports in a variety of settings including individual homes, purpose-built accommodation and working in partnership with specialist residential, SDA and SIL providers. Looking for your new home? Nightlife works with registered Supported Disability Accommodation providers to develop unique housing options that are…

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24/7 & Overnight Support

Our team of highly skilled staff provide a range of complex care and personal care supports to people who require live in and overnight support. We will work with you and your family to design the right supports for you.  All Nightlife staff are trained and experienced in using assistive equipment such as ceiling hoists,…

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Mobile Night time support

Our award-winning night service was the first of its kind in Victoria. It has now been proudly operating for over 16 years. This is our signature service and was developed by people with a disability who want to live at home and receive flexible support throughout the night.  This is Nightlife’s premium service, recognising there…

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