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Supported Independent
Living & ILO

Everyone is different and so is their preferred home. Nightlife delivers independent living supports in a variety of settings including individual homes, purpose-built accommodation and working in partnership with specialist residential, SDA and SIL providers.

Looking for your new home?

Nightlife works with registered Supported Disability Accommodation providers to develop unique housing options that are built to your requirements. In our experience, people with a disability often find themselves matched to housing that doesn’t quite meet their needs. We use a ‘connect, facilitate and collaborate’ model to support individuals and their families to explore their housing needs, connect with the right developer and co-design the right type of accommodation to needs. This process can take up to 12 months but provides you with a high degree of control over your build.

Introducing one of our partners

Better Life Housing (BLH) is a registered SDA housing provider committed to assisting individuals with a disability achieve their housing goals. BLH has been founded on a philosophy of empowerment and choice, where individuals have control over where they live and who they live with. They ensure that the social, environmental and physical aspects of housing are provided for. 

BLH brings a new and fresh approach to the disability housing sector and are currently working in partnership with Nightlife to identify housing needs and source or develop properties to meet those needs.

All properties are SDA compliant and maintained to a high standard by BLH. Designs are innovative and reflect the needs and aspirations of the residents. Long term leases are offered to ensure peace of mind around length of tenure.