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Our award-winning night service was the first of its kind in Victoria. It has now been proudly operating for over 16 years. This is our signature service and was developed by people with a disability who want to live at home and receive flexible support throughout the night.
We believe that people should be able to go to bed and get up at the time of their choosing; confidently make social plans and rely on a service that can come to prevent a personal emergency.
Our mobile support team is on the road all through the night. Our team of highly skilled staff provide a range of complex care and personal care supports across the South-eastern, Bayside and Melbourne. Having staff live in can be unnecessary and difficult for many people and their families. Sometimes it is better to have visits throughout the night.
This is Nightlife’s premium service, recognising there is a gap in flexible night support. All Nightlife staff are trained and experienced in using assistive equipment such as ceiling hoists, standing hoists, portable hoists, Sara steady’s, commodes etc.
Our staff are specialist trained to provide that extra support overnight in a way which is unobtrusive, flexible and can respond to your needs. Whether it be extra assistance with going to bed, pressure care and night turns or being there when your theatre date is going to run late – they are on the road and ready.