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How can you provide feedback or complaints to Nightlife?

Nightlife is committed to providing a positive, safe and reliable experience for our service users and their supporters. We value your feedback to help us grow and learn to do better. We encourage a culture of open feedback, where people feel safe to have their say about what they love or where we could improve. We aim to resolve all complaints in a fair, efficient and timely manner. You may make an anonymous complaint without providing your name. We can also help with linking you to an advocate or interpreter to make sure you feel supported in communicating any concerns.

Ways to provide feedback

In person/verbally


External agencies that can help

NDIS Commission

Telephone: 1800 035 544 (free call from landlines) or TTY: Telephone: 133 677

Translating and Interpreting Service: 131 450


Office of the Public Advocate

Telephone: 1300 309 337

TTY service for people with hearing or speech difficulties: Telephone: 1300 305 612

Feedback and Complaints Form

Feedback and Complaints form