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Palliative Care and Disability Forum

Nightlife was proud to work with NDS, Northwestern PHN and the North and West Palliative Care Consortia to host the Disability and Palliative Care Forum. Bringing together people with a disability, family carers, disability services and palliative care for a first of a kind forum. Thank you to the multiple agencies and services who supported the event, and the many speakers.

Disability Royal Commission Final Report

On Friday 29th October, the Final Report of Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability was tabled in parliament and released to the public. Nightlife acknowledges the historical importance of this moment. The Royal Commission was established four and a half years ago in 2019, after many years of campaigning…

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Bentleigh Football and Netball Club Annual Sponsors Lunch

Nightlife proudly honoured by the Dragon Club. Our Committee of Management President, Michael Eastman was on hand to speak about Nightlife to the Bentleigh Football and Netball Club's 2023 sponsor lunch on Friday at Bell’s Hotel in South Melbourne. The Dragon Club are a major sponsor of Nightlife, last year donating $5,000 to assist us…

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Frankston Image

Welcome to our new Outer South Bayside Team

We are so excited to be bringing our special brand of service to people across the Outer Bayside area. We welcome our new service users from Frankston, Seaford, Chelsea, Carrum, Bonbeach and Edithvale.

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Celebrating our new services & fabulous website

Thank you to all of the staff, service users and families who have worked with us to develop our services and design our new website! We think it looks great and celebrates choice and control as central to what we do! Hope you agree!

Zero Tolerance

Launching our approach to Zero Tolerance of abuse, neglect and exploitation.

We were excited to launch our Zero Tolerance Training Program to all staff and volunteers. We have committed to the National Zero Tolerance project and are taking a whole of organisation approach to protecting and promoting Human Rights, and elimination of abuse, neglect and exploitation of people with a disability. We promote a culture of safety and speaking up to support our service users, families and staff.