
Disability services

Safe, Reliable, Hardworking

Nightlife was started by people with a disability for people with disabilities and their families and carers. We continue the tradition of being social activists for change, valuing the lived experience of our service users in everything we do.

We believe you are at the centre of your plan, and in control.

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Responsive And Flexible 24/7

We care about what is important to you. Our people are here to listen to what matters to you and your life, enable you to choose what you want, and help you achieve your goals. Our unique supports focus on ensuring you have whatever it takes to maintain your preferred way of living, whether it’s someone to come in at 2am or to be there 24/7 – you choose.

Our strengths based and person-centred model of care is our way of working with you on all the different areas of your life that are important for happy and healthy living. You decide what you want in life and how to make it happen.

By You

Our highly trained Disability Support Workers strive to provide a range of supports to people in their own home that are uniquely tailored to each person's needs.

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Our service offers a point of difference from other providers, delivering day and mobile overnight services that are flexible and responsive. You can trust us to turn up and provide the right supports, every time.


We Promise To


Listen Deeply

To understand you, your supports and changing needs.


Be There When You Need Us

Whether it’s for a 2am turn or 24/7


Meet Your Needs

Our unique service was designed by people with a disability and their families and carers to be an alternative to traditional providers. People wanted a service that was flexible, person centred, and strengths focussed to get the job done.


Support You

To live the life you choose, with experienced support workers who are skilled, fully accredited and police checked.



Whether providing night support to ensure you and your family get a good night’s sleep or working with your other services we are here to work with you and your support community.


Strive To Be The Best

Providing you with experienced and credentialled staff who genuinely care.